The term texture generally is used to mean the feel — that is, the roughness or smoothness, and the softness or hardness experienced when a pigment is rubbed between the fingers. The more general meaning in the pigment and coating industry is the relative ease of dispersion of a pigment in a paint vehicle. The […]
Архивы рубрики ‘Understanding. Coatings Raw Materials’
Particle shape

Pigments vary not only in size but also in particle shape. Although the inherent shape of pigment particles is determined from its crystal Figure 3.4: Shapes of primary pigment particles form, it also depends to some extent on the method of synthesizing the pigment. In general, wet-ground pigments tend to have smoother and rounder edges […]

All particles in a given pigment are not identical in size; rather, they are a mixture of particles with different sizes. Therefore, pigments are generally evaluated for their mean particle size and particle size distribution by means of the following methods: • Sieve analysis • Accelerated sedimentation, such as centrifugal and ultra-centrifugal • Light attenuation […]
Particle size

Particle size and particle size distribution are very important characteristics of pigments because they influence various optical properties of the paint such as color (Section, hiding power/ opacity (Section, tinting strength (Section and gloss, as well as physical properties such as suspension of particles in the paint and rheology of the paint […]

The density of a pigment may be determined by the pycnometer method at a standard temperature of 25 °C using kerosene as immersion liquid. The detailed procedure may be found in ISO 78710 and ASTM D153. Many pigments are tested disregarding air entrapment on the particle surfaces or in the voids between the particles. The […]

Density can be a useful pointer to such properties of a pigment when dispersed in paint as suspension and density of the paint itself. According to Stokes’ law, a pigment particle will settle in paint at a rate proportional to the difference in the densities of the pigment and the medium. Therefore, paints with dense […]

Tolerance to an individual solvent is tested by enclosing a certain amount of pigment powder in a piece of filter paper, which is then immersed in the organic solvent for a given amount of time. The extent of coloration of the test solvent indicates the solvent fastness of the pigment. In another method for evaluating […]
Physical properties Solubility Solubility is the most undesirable characteristic of a pigment. Although pigments by definition are insoluble, in practice, many pigments exhibit a minute level of solubility, leading to noticeable problems in the systems in which they are incorporated. Generally, organic pigments exhibit such a level of solubility in organic solvents, while inorganic pigments are […]

A test method for evaluation of tinting strength of colored pigments is briefly described here. A white reduction of the test pigment and another of the reference pigment are prepared by dispersing them separately in the same quantity of suitable solvent-free vehicle with an identical mass ratio of colored pigment to standard white pigment. Drawdowns […]
Tinting strength and lightening power

The tinting strength of a colorant is its ability to impart color to a light scattering material by virtue of its absorption properties. Tinting strength corresponds to the effectiveness with which a unit quantity of a colorant changes the color of a material. Generally, tinting strength is expressed as the mass ratio in which the […]