Principal Component Analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA) is another technique used; it works differently, but the resulting map can often look very similar. The analysis works using a process of identifying correlations between the different variables used in describing the data (i. e. the sensory descriptors used in the profiles). It then searches for the combination of variables […]

Multidimensional Scaling

Multidimensional scaling is just one of the multivariate techniques available. To be asked to take a map of England and measure with a ruler the distance between 20 towns is a fairly straightforward project. Multidimensional scaling does the opposite to this; it takes a set of distances and recreates the map. The ‘distances’ in this […]


What does this odour smell like? The tests used to describe odour quality are known as odour profiling tests. These are the most complex of the sensory tests and, to ensure good quality, accurate and repro­ducible data are only carried out by highly trained and experienced sensory panellists. Each odour is smelled by the panellist, […]


How strong is an odour? A number of different types of sensory scales are used to measure perceived intensity of odour, two examples of which are given in Figure 8.1. Alternatively, panellists can be trained to use a form of scaling whereby they alot their own scores to the perceived intensity of odours and score […]


Threshold itself can be described at three different levels: —Detection threshold. Can an odour be detected? —Recognition threshold. Can an odour be identified? —Difference threshold. Is there a difference between two odours? The detection threshold is the lowest stimulus intensity (odour concentration) that the subject can distinguish from an odour-free situation. The subject’s response indicates […]


Sensory analysis involves using human subjects as a measuring tool. This presents an immediate problem, as individuals are innately variable, not only as a result of their experiences or expectations, but also as a result of their sensitivity. Thus, each person could genuinely perceive the same product quite differently. It is therefore essential in every […]

Qualitative Descriptive Analysis

Qualitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) is a technique developed using trained, in-house panels of assessors. The panellists are presented with the range of products to be assessed and spend their first panel session discussing the properties that they feel are most important in describing the products and the differences between them. These usually include evaluative attributes, […]

Focus Groups

Focus groups provide in-depth qualitative information about the product in test. They are led by group leaders trained to direct discussions within small groups of respondents as they smell the products. Different techniques can be used to explore associations that arise while smelling the products; for instance, by matching the products to different pictures or […]


Although consumers are able to state which perfumes or products they prefer, they are often unable to explain why. The skill in good market research lies in the design of questions that are able to find out as much as possible about the reasons behind the consumer preferences by asking how the fragrance relates to […]

Measurement of Fragrance Perception

ANNE RICHARDSON INTRODUCTION A wide range of factors affect how we perceive a product. If we are to understand the reasons behind why the consumer chooses a product, we need to determine what drives acceptance and how this can be interpreted into information that can be used to develop winning fragrances. Sensory analysis is concerned […]