Glass reinforced pultruded plastic sections such as Extren(25) have been used where corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical nonconductance or non-magnetic properties were required. It is possible to fabricate large assemblies using bolting techniques (e. g. Fig.
8.16) , but development work is necessary to explore the opportunities for bonding.
Cellular panels, manufactured by GEC Reinforced Plastics (Fig.
8.17) , were installed in 1988 as a permanent access decking and enclosure medium to the underside of the A19 Tees viaduct near Middlesborough. 16000 m2 of panelling were hung from the steel plate girders, each panel measuring some 12 m long by 3 m wide(26). Although adhesives were not employed directly in this application, the concept of the double skinned panels and their design indicates the possibilities for using adhesives in joint configurations which incorporate mechanical interlocking.