Closing remarks

Adhesive materials will continue to have a significant part to play in the construction industries, and the contribution of structural adhesives can only expand in the future. Additionally, engineers will need to develop some understanding and expertise in the field of adhesion science and technology if greater advantage is to be taken of the potential waiting to be exploited.

Many opportunities exist currently in the remedial markets, in the fabrication of aluminium and steel assemblies and, in particular, for stiffened plate structures. Great advantages can be derived from combining material combinations and, indeed, from combining adhesive bonding with some form of mechanical attachment to create composite harmony.

In the future it would seem that greater use will be made of materials combinations and of advanced composite materials — perhaps associated with space exploration. Lighter-weight structures will be increasingly demanded for many applications and bonded stressed-skin concepts are likely to find increasing favour. Adhesives will have an invaluable role to play in all such instances.

The adhesives themselves will continue to evolve, particularly with a closer association of formulators and engineers, and it is to be expected that more surface-tolerant and durable systems will become available. The selection of suitable adhesives and the design of structural bonded joints will also be facilitated with the greater accumulation of knowledge and expertise by engineers. As the experience in many other industries suggests, the more widespread application of adhesives to bonding civil engineering structures remains only a matter of time.


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