Classification of Adhesives

Adhesives can be classified on the basis of chemical composition [29], setting mechanism [30], and adhesion mechanism as pressure-sensitive, adhesion, and diffu­sion adhesives [31]. Lucre [32] proposed a flexible classification in which each adhesive is characterized and classified according to various characteristic features, such as chemical basis, form of application, application temperature, thermal behavior, and uses. A classification such as this provides for very detailed coverage of the individual features of an adhesive and is a helpful guide for industrial users. However, it is extremely comprehensive and goes beyond the scope of this treatise. For this reason, a classification based on the setting mechanism is given here [30].

I. Setting without Chemical Reaction. The high molecular mass bonding sub­stance is present prior to bonding.

I. I. Application without Volatile Solvents. The adhesive film is obtained by the action of heat.

Hot-melt adhesives, e. g., ethylene — vinyl acetate copolymers, polypropylene, polya­mides, polyesters. Uses: paper, fiberboard, plastics, textiles, leather (assembly bonds).

Plastisol Adhesives. PVC or poly(methyl methacrylate) powder + plasticizer+ adhesion promoter. Uses: metals (sheet-metal constructions), silicate-containing materials.

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