
Perhaps the most diversified branch of adhesive use is in transportation, be it by water, by land, or by air. Private or public mobility, hobby activity or leisure time are relevant parameters for the classification of transportation systems according to their purpose.

In all fields oftransportation, the higher the weight ofa transportation system, the greater its energy consumption, wear and material cost. A railway car (ICE 1), for example, has an approximate weight of 54t, and carries up 50 passengers which corresponds to a weight of approximately 5t. One-tenth of the weight of the locomotive (weighing at least 1501) must be added for each typical car in passenger traffic. A large commercial aircraft (e. g. Boeing 747) has a weight of approximately 2201 without any fuel and passengers, and transports 400 passengers at best (weight ca. 40 t). These examples illustrate the point that transportation systems have a poor weight-to-payload ratio which may be improved by new designs and construction methods, with adhesive joints being an important element.

Depending on the materials and engineering methods used, the adhesives must meet specific requirements. A military ship, for example, is especially stable and very heavy due to the materials used in its construction. A motor home, on the other hand, is lightweight, has a functional design and is low-priced, but is considerably less stable.

Important factors for the selection of an adhesive are the different fields of application, the quality assurance requirements (e. g. the service life of the materials used), accident protection or fire protection, and the manufacturing conditions, which can be further subdivided into highly automated quantity-lot production, small-batch production, and even customized production. It is also important to determine whether the adhesives are used for original equipment manufacture (OEM) or for subsequent repair. In general, there is a tendency towards shorter production times, reduced production costs and lower weight, which will further promote the use of adhesive materials.

The manufacture of transportation systems is subdivided into vehicle and aircraft manufacture, railway transport and marine; these areas of application are briefly reviewed, and examples provided, in the following sections.


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