
The longer a product performs its task, the lower the demands for raw material for the manufacture of a replacement. Hence, the decision must be made as to whether it is worth increasing the lifespan ofthe product, or to reuse it. Returnable systems meet these demands and, as far as the packaging sector is concerned, returnable bottles are

but one of many examples. The adhesives used in the labeling of returnable glass bottles must be formulated in such a way that they provide both trouble-free filling of the bottles and excellent adhesion during bottle use. They must also be easily removable in the bottle-cleaning machine, without leaving any residues or disturbing the process. Since the introduction of returnable PET soft drink bottles and milk containers made from PC, reuse is no longer limited to glass bottles. Although plastic bottles have the advantages that they are lightweight (transport is easier) and unbreakable (no risk of injuries), they place greater demands on the labeling adhesives. However, such demands can now be met by the new synthetic systems that ensure good bonds and, occasionally, a milder cleaning of plastic bottles [1.5% (v/v) NaOH at about 60 °C].

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