Quality Control of Bonding in Aircraft Manufacture

In aircraft manufacture, the labor-intensive production process involves very inten­sive quality control measures. To start with, the personnel must be highly qualified, and every step performed to produce adhesive joints must be documented. Extensive measures are also taken during product incoming inspection, especially in the case of the primers and adhesives; after which every production step is, as far as possible, automatically controlled and monitored. Test specimens are produced which run along with the batches and assemblies during the manufacture process, and their properties are determined in destructive experiments at an early stage ofproduction.

Quality Control of Bonding in Aircraft Manufacture

Figure 8.6 The Fokker Bond Tester with a CFR-aluminum core sandwich.

Finally, all of the finished bonds are tested by means of a nondestructive ultrasonic test method (see Section 7.6) based on resonance frequency (the Fokker Bond Tester; Figure 8.6), and the results documented. Any remaining test specimens are retained for subsequent control of the bonding quality obtained.

When damaged components need to be repaired, the same bonding processes are used. Although for technical reasons the costly chemical surface preparation processes are often replaced by other methods, such as grit-blasting with corundum.

As the original structure integrity will not be completely obtained, the repaired components are closely monitored during operation.

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