Polyurethane-Based Reactive Hot Melts

For the production of reactive hot melts (RHMs) which set under the effect of moisture, a polyurethane prepolymer is generated from solid rather than liquid starting polymers, primarily using polyester polyols (see Section 5.6) [16].

After the application of a reactive hot melt, the solidified bond has sufficient initial strength to allow transportation and further processing of the joined components. The adhesive then reacts with moisture, inducing an increase in molar mass, and a crosslinking takes place. RHMs have a much higher strength and resistance to water than thermoplastic hot melts.

The wide array of different starting polymers available to adhesive manufacturers can be combined with each other at different ratios to create an extensive range of properties [14]. RHMs are used primarily in bookbinding (adhesive binding), in furniture-making (as edge bandings and veneers), in the packaging industry (trans­port boxes), and in car manufacture (direct glazing).


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