

Economic Trends

The global market for adhesives is forecast to grow further over the next years. According to the German Adhesives Association (Industrieverband Klebstoffe e. V., Dusseldorf), the worldwide sales of adhesives and sealants were D39.4 billion in 2007. Geographically, Asia, Europe and North America together form the largest group of consumers, each with 30% of the global market. Between 2004 and 2007, adhesives consumption in Europe increased by 2.6%, and sales volume by 5.2% per year.

On a quantity basis, the paper and packaging industries are the major users of adhesives, followed by the construction and building industry (Figure 9.1).

The German Adhesives Association considers Germany to be the world leader in adhesives raw materials technology, with the leading machine manufacturers playing an important role in the continued growth of adhesives applications. In the search for innovative approaches to the processing of adhesives, the German companies contribute to the advance of adhesive bonding technology.

The major tasks for the future are to:

• foster and advance the existing knowledge base

• provide for a practice-oriented transfer of technology

• promote staff exchange between science and industry

The task of research policy will be to create a performing infrastructure in research and training, and also to foster and promote projects in innovation areas with high sustainability.


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