Paper and Packaging Industry



Paper, board and cardboard are important materials for many daily life products, with their frequent use in the manufacture of packaging materials and graphic products, for example. Packaging materials are essential for the handling, safe distribution, warehousing and storage of the magnitude and multitude of modern goods.

Marketing aspects are an increasingly important factor for consideration in the design of packaging materials, as in today’s shopping centers and supermarkets all goods must be ‘self-sellers’. Packaging materials can give goods a commercially alluring appearance [26], and this is an important aspect because up to 70% of all shopping is based on ‘impulse buying’. Today, on average consumers barely allows

themselves 3 s to evaluate a product. When packaging materials are used for foods, aspects regarding food law also play an important role.

In the packaging sector, in addition to paper a wide range of other materials is used to confer predefined characteristics to the packaging material. Adhesives make it possible to implement these requirements and to meet the demands resulting from the processing of the materials. This applies increasingly to the print-finishing sector, where new printing stocks and print methods, as well as ever-increasing production speeds, have resulted in the development of new adhesives that offer of a wide variety of graphic products.

Industrial adhesives are primarily required to join materials in a fast and safe way, and to provide for trouble-free, inexpensive production on existing manufacturing lines (using automatic machinery as far as possible). Furthermore, they must resist the conditions to which the finished product will be exposed during its later use. Price is another important aspect that must be considered when selecting an adhesive, while ecological aspects are also playing an increasingly important role in the selection of an adhesive system. Today, more and more care is taken that adhesives can be processed in such a way that as little waste and wastewater as possible accrues from their production and use. The impact of adhesives on the reuse (e. g. returnable products) or recycling of bonded products is also a growing matter of interest [27].


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