Formulations of Acrylate Adhesives

Formulations of acrylate adhesives are mainly based on MMA, which is generally copolymerized with methacrylic acid or acrylic acid. These polar components make it possible to improve not only the adherence of the adhesives on many surfaces, but also their thermal resistance. Problems arising with objectionable odors can be overcome by the use of acrylate monomers that boil at higher temperatures, such as cyclohexyl methacrylate or tetrahydrofuryl methacrylate.

Acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymers, liquid polyisoprene, chlorosulfonated rubber or chlorosulfonated polyethylene are added to reduce the brittleness ofthe adhesives. The incorporation of 10% bifunctional monomers such as ethylene glycol dimetha­crylate provides for crosslinking, thus significantly improving the thermal resistance. Organic peroxides (e. g. cumene hydroperoxide) are used as initiators or hardeners, allowing adequate storage stability to be combined with a fast cure.

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