Fleet Graphics

Although today, many companies have fleets of service vehicles (passenger cars, transporters, trucks) which offer a huge potential for brand promotion, this approach is rarely used. Yet, by using the advertising space provided by these vehicles, whether by using a simple logo or complex graphics, it is possible to create an excellent product image.

In Germany — and indeed throughout Europe — because a large proportion of heavy road traffic runs at night, increasing numbers of accidents are occurring, due mainly to the poorer visibility. This problem could be eased by providing trucks with self­adhesive retroreflecting films that allow them to be seen clearly at night. An investigation conducted by TU (Technical University) Darmstadt, Germany, sug­gested that by using these retroreflecting films, night-time accidents involving trucks could be reduced by more than 90%. Yet, these films are used on only 1% of all trucks. At night, car drivers perceive only about 5% of the information that they do during daytime; hence, at night an additional visual stimulus is required, and this rear­marking of trucks would make them clearly visible from a distance of at least 100 m.

In a self-adhesive retroreflective sheeting, glass beads or prisms are embedded into a reflection layer that allows the entering rays of light to be returned to their source at the same angle. In this way, reflective sheeting may be used not only to enhance safety but also to transform vehicles into an attractive advertising medium (Figure 8.74). In fact, graphics applied to the sides of trucks may serve as highly memorable and impressive eyecatchers. Moreover, these advertising campaigns are visible around the clock, reach far more people, and also enhance traffic safety.


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