Domestic Appliance Industry

Painted and coated surfaces are bonded with high-performance adhesives. Many functional parts of domestic appliances are bonded; for example, the cooling coils at the back ofa refrigerator are bonded with heat-conducting adhesives, while the cover of a top-loading washing machine, which seals the drum, is bonded with polyure­thane adhesives [47].

Double-sided, high-performance adhesive tapes are used to produce high-strength joints ofpowder-coated metal parts, also in combination with other materials such as glass, and without the need for surface preparation. The adhesive tapes adjust to any form in an optimal way such that even very thin or structured surfaces can be joined over the entire area, without producing any strains. Further advantages are high impact strength at low temperatures, a high initial tack, absolute tightness, and the absorption of noise and vibrations.


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