Application of the Adhesive

The integration of bonding into a process chain, or the replacement of a mechanical joining technique by bonding, is a decision that must be taken if the cost-benefit ratio is to be favorable. Indeed, improvements in product characteristics, as well as increases in manufacture process productivity and quality must outrank the invest­ments effected in terms of production equipment, facilities and variable costs involved. Bonding must be compatible with existing process steps and facilities, as well as with manufacturing materials logistics and disposal concepts.

An example of adhesive process integration, which is employed not only in the automotive industry, is to use the drying equipment for thermal paint-curing processes also to cure adhesive-bonded joints with single-component, heat-curing adhesives.

A further potential benefit might also be to avoid labor-intensive wet-coating processes by using prefinished surfaces, thus taking advantage of the adhesive­bonding technologies and minimizing distortions ofthe finish in the area ofjoining.

The wide variety of conditions and parameters under which adhesives can be processed are presented in the following sections.


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