
Elastic PSAbuffers (bump-on products) are available to improve design and esthetics, to confer anti-slipping properties, or as spacers and stoppers. They absorb vibrations and noise and adhere to a wide variety of surfaces. They have outstanding anti­slipping properties and a high abrasion resistance, and do not leave any marks or traces (Figure 8.54).

These small PSA buffers not only reduce noise on doors, windows, furniture, glass, porcelain, ceramics, and so on, but they also reduce vibrations, for example on domestic appliances or computers, and absorb shocks on facade elements or metal cabinets. In addition, they prevent sensitive surfaces from being scratched and objects from shifting on smooth surfaces.


Figure 8.54 Pressure-sensitive adhesive buffers.

Adhesive tapes also allow noise to be reduced, particularly in the case of sensitive components. Tapes are available with foamed material backings in combination with a highly stressable acrylic adhesive.


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