Today, packages made from plastics are also recycled on a major scale. As with paper recycling, the adhesives used for plastic packaging are required not to disturb the recycling process. As a wide variety of different recycling methods is available for plastics, the adhesives must meet manifold demands. The most established method starts with washing of the plastic packages (the recycling of PET bottles is an example of this technology). The bottles are first shredded, and then cleaned and separated from any secondary products in a water bath. Hence, the adhesives used must be water — soluble or at least dispersible. Whereas, waterborne systems such as colloidal solutions or dispersions do meet this requirement, the development of water-soluble hot melts represented a major challenge for the adhesives industry. Nonetheless, these hot melts are now available commercially and are mainly used for the purpose of wrap-around labeling using plastic labels, providing for an easy recycling of these plastic packages.
Recycling of Plastic Packaging