Tail Tie Adhesives

Tail tie adhesives bond tissue paper to tissue paper in order to prevent unwinding during transportation to the packager. They are designed to rapidly wet the paper, to

penetrate many tissue plies, and to hold the last sheet securely in place on the roll through the cutting process.

Tail tie adhesives also enable the consumer to start the tissue or towel roll easily and without fiber tear, and are designed not to stain the tissue paper. Application methods can be adjusted to the machine settings using nozzles, drums, wires or rods, and the viscosity of an adhesive must be adjusted accordingly. Tail tie adhesives are aqueous systems based on cellulose derivatives, synthetic water-soluble polymers, or mixtures of synthetic polymers with cellulose derivatives. The choice of new raw materials depends upon the application system and sometimes the inherent strength of the tissue paper. The viscosity and initial adhesion of tail tie adhesives must be designed to suit, for example, the way in which the feeding of the first sheet is adapted to the core in the machinery.


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