
When a latex paint is applied whether by brush or roller, the rate of drying must be reduced to allow time to brush out the paint.

High boiling water soluble liquids are added to latices to reduce the rate of evaporation of water. Ethylene and propylene glycols are commonly used at 5-10% of the latex weight for vinyl acetate emulsions and up to 20% for acrylics and styrene-acrylics. Neither glycol interfaces with the particle coalescence process. Hexylene glycol is sometimes used at 5-10% on latex weight and this retards the water evaporation in the early stages of drying; in the latter stages it can dissolve in the polymer particles, especially in the case of vinyl acetate copolymers. When dissolved in the polymer, hexylene glycol reduces the Tg of the polymer, making it softer and easier to deform prior to coalescence. Butyl carbitol is soluble in water. It also slightly reduces the rate of evaporation, but it is an efficient coalescent solvent. Butyl glycol acetate is insoluble in water and acts only as a coalescent.

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