Copolymer Composition Equation

In the steady state the rate of formation of radicals by initiation, is equal to the rate of removal of radicals by termination.

That is:

Ri = Rt

кгі [~Мг][Мі] = k-|2 [~Мі][Мг] equation A The rate of consumption of monomer M! is given by

= ki, i [- МІ] [Mi] + кг, і [~ М2] [Mi] equation В


The rate of consumption of monomer M2 is given by

Подпись: equation D

From equation A

Substituting for [~Mi] in equations В and C



-d [Mi] = ki, i кг,1 [~Мг] [Mi]2 dt Ki,2 [М2]


Подпись: -d [М2] dt Ki,2 Ка,1 [-M2] [Mi] [M2] + K2,2 [~M2] [М2]
Kl,2 [М2]

™jjT^ = [~M2](k2,l[Ml] + k2,2[M2])


d [Mi] d[M2]

By replacing t-^1 with r, к,2

and ~ with r2 *2,1

the following equation is obtained

d [Mi] = [Mr] ( n [Mi] + [M2]) d [M2] [M2] ([Mi] + r2 [M2])

where: r, represents the reactivity of Mi with respect to Mi and М2

r2 represents the reactivity of М2 with respect to М2 and Mi.

Подпись: It can be written as Подпись: d[Mi] d[M2] Copolymer Composition Equation

The equation is known as the copolymer composition equation.

The copolymer equation is normally used in this form to predict, by calculation, the composition of a polymer resulting from the polymerisation of two monomers.

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