Electrical resistivity

Electrical resistivity is a critical parameter of coatings, particularly those that are applied by an electrostatic spray or bell applicator, as it influences the transfer efficiency and coating appearance. There­fore, the electrical resistivity of paint must be properly adjusted and is mainly accomplished by selection of appropriate solvents. Non­polar solvents, such as hydrocarbons, have high electrical resisti­vity (low conductivity), while polar solvents such as water, ketones, alcohols, glycol ethers, and esters generally have low electrical resi­stivity (high conductivity). Test methods that may be referred to for determination of electrical resistivity of solvents are ASTM D 5682­95 and ISO 15091:2012. Electrical resistivity is generally expressed in units like kiloohms (KQ) or megaohms (MO). Purity and composition

Gas chromatography is a commonly used analytical technique for the analysis of purity and composition of solvents that is very sensitive, rapid and simple to execute. It gives both qualitative and quantitative information from very small sample sizes of only a few microliters.

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