Before work can begin on sampling or testing any of the perfumer’s new creations, the client has asked for suggested starting-point product formulations. Business Scents Ltd does not have the necessary devel­opment resource or manufacturing equipment in-house to handle the production of any of the products other than the alcoholic fine fragrance, and will appoint contract manufacturers to do this at a later date. Prototype product samples that contain experimental fragrance creations are thus required for the client to hold initial focus group discussions with target consumers. The applications chemist assigned to the team handling this project therefore needs to be able to produce base formulations within the first few days or weeks, in order for the perfumer’s initial creations to be incorporated and the evaluation process to begin. In this case, the client has requested quite conven­tional, well known products and suitable examples are available from the bank or repertoire of existing tested and approved (in terms of odour, colour and physical characteristics) formulations. These for­mulations are sent to Business Scents Ltd and, if they meet their requirements, initial batches of the unfragranced product bases can be prepared in the applications laboratory.

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