Preface to the Third Edition

Six years have passed since the second edition of Industrial Inorganic Pigments was published. During this time some pigment producers have merged or vanished and new products have been developed. By including these changes, this, the third edition, gives the up to date status of the field. We have taken the opportunity to review and revise all sections to include current commercial data. The major new trends in inorganic pigments have been incorporated, for example, the increasing importance of luster pigments. An additional section on new developments has been added, but we have had to decide the criteria for qualification as an “Industrial Pigment". Similarly, sections on pigments whose industrial significance has been judged to be in decline, for example chromium dioxide, have been shortened. Finally, references have been revised and the list of the standards updated.

To meet these demands, almost every section has been completely rewritten. Some authors from the second edition have retired and acknowledged experts have revised the topics that the retired authors reported on in the past. We thank their employers for allowing these authors to contribute to this publication.

We must express our special thanks to our readers, who have made contributions or given us valued suggestions for inclusion in the new edition. Some of the previous reviewers expressed surprise that a book about pigments could be written with so few colored figures. We have made every effort to respond to these comments, but it is virtually impossible to show in a printed format the true impression of color, gloss, haze, etc. in an applied paint system. However, the named producers of the inorganic pigments are ready to deliver such information, e. g. in the form of paint shade cards, on request. So, we have again been forced to limit the color figures and those included are mainly provided to assist the text.

“Industrial Inorganic Pigments" is now in its third edition and has become a standard text on the subject, so, for the future continuation of this work, it seemed advisable to include a younger co-editor for this and subsequent editions. We are pleased that Gerhard Pfaff, well known as the author of Section 5.3 and extensive publications in the field, has undertaken this obligation.

Finally we thank the publishers, especially Karin Sora, for their patience and con­tinued support.

Krefeld and Darmstadt G. Buxbaum,

December 2004 G. Pfaff

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