EconomicAspects and Uses

Economic Aspects

World production of inorganic pigments in 2000 was ca. 5.9 x106 t. About one-third ofthis total is supplied by the United States, one-third by the European Community, and one-third by all the remaining countries. The German pigment industry supplied about 40% of the world consumption of inorganic colored pigments, including about

50% of the iron oxides. Estimated world consumption of inorganic pigments in 2000 can be broken down as follows:

Подпись:Titanium dioxide

Synthetic iron oxides


Zinc oxide

Effect pigments


Chromium oxide

Mixed metal oxide pigments


Iron blue

Pigment production is still increasing, but the rate of growth has decreased. The value of inorganic pigments has diminished recent years and in 2002 totalled ca. US$ 10 x109. The main manufacturing companies are given in the corresponding sections.

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