The 1999 Market for Organic High Performance Pigments1»

I estimate the total market for organic HPPs at:

• Approximately 19 000 tonnes or approximately 9% of the total organic pigment volume of 220 000 tonnes

• Approximately 1.2 x 109 USD or 30% of the total organic pigment market of 4.2 x 109 USD

These figures are slightly higher than indicated in my former presentations at the 1997 and 1998 HPP Conferences and at the 1999 CPMA Conference [3]. I believe today that I have previously underestimated the captive use of the main HPP pro­ducers for their own printing ink and masterbatch activity.

By volume and value the most important HPP pigment classes are:

• special azos (benzimidazolone, disazo-condensation)

• quinacridones

• diketopyrrolo-pyrroles (DPP)

1) Based on published data and discussions at recent conferences about Organic Pigments

• carbazole Violet

• perylenes

• other polycyclic pigments (isoindolinones, quinophthalones, anthraquinones)

• HP naphthols

• phthalocyanines with special properties

Let us have a look at the supply side (producers) and the demand by market seg­ments and regions.


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