Wood Surfaces

The wood surface is a complex and heterogeneous mixture of polymeric substances such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. It is also influenced by factors such as polymer mor­phology, wood extractives, and processing parameters. During the processing of wood and the generation of new surfaces, damage to the wood material and to the surface can occur, which might cause low quality bonding and low bond strengths. This often shows as low percent wood failure or only as a thin fiber layer. The reason for this can be a mechanical destruction of the uppermost wood layer, usually described as a mechanical weak bound­ary layer (MWBL) [396-398]. This layer consists of damaged wood cells caused by proces­sing. A fracture of a bond at the interface between the wood and the adhesive can be caused by a cohesive fracture of such a weak boundary layer [399] or by a real adhesion failure at the interface [396,400].

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