Thermal Stabilization of Adhesives

Neal J. Earhart and Ambu Patel

CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, Ardsley, New York, U. S.A.

Gerrit Knobloch

CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, Basel, Switzerland


Adhesives are, in general, produced by the compounding of several different components: polymers, tackifier resins, and waxes or oils. The hydrocarbon-based components are susceptible to thermal oxidation and degradation [1]. Many adhesives are exposed to elevated temperatures as a result of compounding, storage, and end use. Hot-melt adhesives (HMAs), for example are extremely prone to oxidation due to their high compounding and application temperatures. Each hydrocarbon-based component in an adhesive formulation follows a similar oxidation mechanism. The result of degradation, however, can be very different and can greatly influence the overall thermal stability of the adhesive formulation.

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