Other Mercaptan-Terminated Polymers

In the 1960s Diamond Alkali marketed several polymers having a polyether backbone terminated with mercaptan groups [5,6]. Polymers of poly(oxyalkalene)polyol backbone can be esterified with thio-substituted organic acids to produce terminal mercaptan end groups. These polymers were cured similarly to conventional polysulfides, but gave gen­erally poorer properties and were therefore withdrawn from the market.

In the mid-1970s, polysulfide polymer chemistry was advanced when Products Research and Chemical Corporation introduced a polyoxypropylene urethane backbone with mercaptan terminal groups [7]. Molecular weight regulation and minimization of side reactions are important features. The backbone is significantly different from that of conventional polysulfide polymers, yet the curing chemistry is the same and the cured product is a polysulfide rubber. A typical structure of this type of resin is shown below.

Mercaptan-terminated polyoxyproplene urethane

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