New Ultrafast-Cure Surface-Insensitive Cyanoacrylates

The new range of surface-insensitive cyanoacrylates provides ultrafast cures independent of gap. In addition, these cyanoacrylates will rapidly bond acidic and low-energy surfaces. The fast cure also minimizes the occurrence of frosting and fogging. Table 6 shows a comparison of these new surface-insensitive materials compared to a standard ethyl — grade cyanoacrylate. These products are also suited to bonding various wood substrates and porous surfaces without the use of activators.

C. New Low-Odor Cyanoacrylates

Owing to unique manufacturing processes and chemical reformulations, cyanoacrylates can now be completely odor free. These products, which have almost no detectable odor, improve worker comfort and acceptance. Also, there is no unsightly fogging (chlorosis) of expensive parts adjacent to the bond line as can be seen with other types of cyano­acrylate adhesives on hot, humid days. This improves production rates of acceptable parts.

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