DeNicola and Bell report the use of bibenzoylmethane and 1-(O-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenyl- l,3-propanediol as wet adhesion promoters for epoxide resin adhesives on low-carbon mild steel [77]. Metal chelating O-hydroxybenzlamine compounds are stated to produce adhesion-promoting films on metals [78], and improved adhesion to titanium is claimed for metal alkoxide primers. Oxazolidines containing trialkoxy or triaryloxysilyl groups are claimed to be adhesion promoters on metallic substrates [79]. Improved adhesion of epoxide resin adhesives to copper substrates can be achieved by pretreatment in a weak solution of a benzoheterocyclic(thiol) compound [80] and benzotriazole and derivatives have been claimed to improve the bond between vinyl polymers and steel [81] and the adhesion of photosensitive compounds to polymeric substrates [82]. Pesetski and Aleksandrova describe the use of dicarboxylic acids as primers for polyamide films on copper [83].