Methyl Cellulose

Methyl cellulose with a low DS (0.4-0.6) is soluble in dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide. As substitution is increased, the methyl cellulose becomes soluble in water (DS 1.3-2.6), then in organic solvents (DS 2.4-2.6). The most commonly used derivatives have a DS of 1.2­2.0. which results in cold-water solubility and solution stability for pH 2-12. Upon drying, solutions of methyl cellulose give clear, odorless, tasteless films that are resistant to oils and organic solvents. Methyl cellulose is used for paper coating and sizing to impart grease resistance, in ceramics as a binder, as a nonstaining paste for wallpaper, and in adhesives for leather drying. The last application takes advantage of the fact that upon heating, methyl cellulose thickens reversibly. Thus hides that are attached to the platen during the drying process are easily removed when dry. Table 1 shows a formulation for a leather adhesive [4].

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