There are numerous market studies of the adhesive and sealant industry. Some even evaluate subsections of the marketplace, covering, for example, only pressure sensitive products and/or applications, only structural or high performance materials, major end use markets such as packaging or construction, and the raw materials used in making adhesives and sealants. For the most part, none of the studies agree with each other, either in terms of the size of the market, or in the value of individual segments or individual materials. The reasons for this disagreement are typically related to the conduct and parameters of each study, since each research group tends to focus their study a certain way or on a certain segment. In addition, some market segments may even be unknown to some researchers because of so few participants in a tightly defined end user niche. As a consequence, each market study of adhesives and sealants must be gauged on its own merits rather than compared with other studies.

Even so, it is valuable to understand the relative position of individual products in the overall structure of the adhesive and sealant market. Table 1 below provides a good breakdown of elastomeric products in comparison with other major product types. Only the market value of these products is shown, even though most studies, including the one referenced here, include volume data as well. More complete analysis is available from Impact Marketing Consultants, Manchester Center, VT, publisher of the 2000-2002 Rauch Guide to the US Adhesives & Sealants Industry (see Chap. 2 on Information Resources).

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