Courses and Conferences

Every year, every month, every week there are meetings, workshops, trade shows, sympo­sia, conferences, expositions, and short courses of interest to those who use or make adhesives and sealants. These are regional, national and international in scope. An inter­ested student of the technology could easily spend a major portion of each month through­out the year attending such events. Some events are conducted several times a year, some are annual, and some are biennial. And some events are held once only.

These events separate generally into two categories, the line of demarcation being whether one intends to be educated (gain information), or one intends to participate in an event (share information). It is a bit of a fine line in many circumstances but specifically, there is a difference between the kinds of information that can be gained from workshops and short courses, and from conferences and symposia. Workshops and short courses tend to introduce a student to a new technology, or intensify the learning experience to gain a better understanding of the technology. Conferences and symposia, while introducing new research and developments, tend to expand the existing experience base of the attendee.

Many courses and conferences are held in conjunction with a trade show, and some­times vice versa. Often, if the trade show is an important one to a particular industrial segment, one or more associations will sponsor workshops or conferences. Some trade shows transcend individual associations and are sponsored by a whole host of associa­tions, each of which may sponsor an event to coincide with the show. Trade shows, by themselves, are usually an excellent source of information since dozens, and often hun­dreds, of companies exhibit their wares and services, provide brochures and data sheets, and have knowledgeable personnel in the booth ready to assist.

The compilation in Appendix D lists specific events and meetings that have taken place in the past. The list is fairly representative of what has been available but may not be complete in every case. The fact that an event has been held in the past is no guarantee that it will be conducted in the future. Since many of the events are sponsored by associations, there are obvious duplications in the listings between Appendices A and C.

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