Bolger’s Da and DB Interaction Parameters

In the case of organic-inorganic materials interaction (e. g., polymer-metal oxide), Bolger and Michaels [33] suggested a model based on Bronsted acid-base chemistry to account for the strength of the interaction. They defined a parameter A for organic acids and bases:

Aa = IEPS(B) — pKa(A)



Ab = pKa(B) — IEPS(A)


where the Ka is the dissociation constant of the organic species and IEPS* the isoelectric point of a solid, namely the metal oxide (see XPS, Section IV. C.l. a).

Bolger and Michaels identified three regimes of acid-base interactions:

(i) A ^ 0: negligibly weak acid-base interactions

(ii) A « 0: acid-base interactions of comparable forces to those due to dispersive interactions

(iii) A > 0: strong acid-base interactions perhaps resulting in chemical attack or (metal) corrosion.

Table 5 reports A parameters for acetic acid (pKa(A) = 4.7) and methylamine (pKa(B) = 10.6) interacting with SiO2, Al2O3, and MgO, whose IEPS values are 2, 8, and l2, respectively. The maximum positive values of A are obtained for the amine-SiO2 and carboxylic acid-MgO interactions, thus for acid-base adducts. In

Подпись: SiO2 (2) Al2O3 (8) MgO (12) CH3COOH -2.7 3.3 7.3 CH3NH2 8.6 2.6 -1.4 The numbers in parentheses correspond to the IEPS values.
contrast, Д is negative for the carboxylic acid-silica and amine-MgO interactions as they are of the acid-acid and base-base types, respectively.

Bolger’s concept has successfully been used to interpret the failure mechanisms of polyimide/MgO joints [51]. Similarly, a ДА value of 6.5 was estimated for the interaction of PMDA-ODA PAA [pyromellitic dianhydride-oxydianiline poly(amic acid), pKa(A) = 3] with copper (IEPS of copper oxide = 9.5); this is a too strong predicted inter­action, suggesting the migration of copper in the polymer film [52].

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