Miscellaneous Chemical Classes of. Organic Dyes and Pigments

The chemistry of the three most important chemical classes of organic colorants, the azo, carbonyl and phthalocyanine classes, has been dealt with individually in Chapters 3 -5 respectively. In this chapter, the chem­istry of a further five chemical classes which are of some importance for specific applications is discussed. These classes are the polymethines, arylcarbonium ion colorants, dioxazines, sulfur dyes and nitro dyes. A section of this chapter is devoted to each of these, each individual section contains a description of the principal structural features which charac­terise the particular colorant type, together with an outline of the chemis­try of the main synthetic routes. There are many other chemical types of dyes and pigments that do not fall into the categories previously men­tioned, but which are neglected in this text either because they are commercially of little importance or because they have been less exten­sively investigated.

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