Urea-formaldehyde resins [1-9] are based on a series of consecutive reactions of urea and formaldehyde. Using different conditions of reaction and preparation a practically endless variety of condensed UF chemical structures is possible. UF resins are thermosetting resins and consist of linear or branched oligomers and polymers always admixed with some amounts of monomers. The […]
Архивы рубрики ‘Handbook of Adhesive Technology’
The various aminoplastic resins are the most important class of adhesives in the wood — based panels industry, especially for the production of particleboards and medium density fibreboard (MDF), and partly also for oriented strandboard (OSB), plywood, block — boards, and some other types of wood panels. They are also used in the furniture industry […]
Table 2 summarizes the general parameters of importance for wood adhesives. Research and development in adhesives and resins are mainly driven by the requirements of the bonding and production processes and by the intended properties of the wood-based panels. These requirements are summarized in Table 3. The necessity to achieve shorter press times is omnipresent […]
In the wood-based panels industry a great variety of adhesives are currently is use. Condensation resins based on formaldehyde represent the biggest volume within the wood adhesives field. They are prepared by the reaction of formaldehyde with various chemicals such as urea, melamine, phenol, resorcinol, or combinations thereof. At delivery these adhesive resins are mainly […]
Adhesives in the Wood Industry
Manfred Dunky Dynea Austria GmbH, Krems, Austria I. INTRODUCTION Progress in research and development within the wood-based industry and within the adhesive industry has shown many successes during the past few decades. Notwithstanding this, the industrial requirements of the wood industry still induce technical improvement in the adhesives and their application in this area. What […]
The future development of electronical circuitries will be characterized by miniaturizing of components and circuits as well as a more and more dense packing of components on the printed circuit board. For this reason, the surface-mounting technology of electronical components will become more and more important. Additionally, using SMD techniques, a higher level of production […]
State of the Art
Base materials for circuit boards based on phenolic resin/paper laminates are used primarily for low-performance materials, which are needed, for example, in consumer electronics. The actual properties standard of these materials meets the requirements of the market. The laminating adhesives used for the manufacture of base materials are organic solutions or aqueous dispersions of thermosetting […]
The majority of base materials for circuit boards are combinations of a copper foil with a laminate, where the laminate itself consists of a carrier material and a resin. Thus properties of the base material such as mechanical strength, dimensional stability, and processi — bility are determined primarily by the carrier material. On the other […]
State of the Art
Tapes for component supply in loading installations usually consist of an acrylate — or rubber-based adhesive (also thermosetting) on a paper or polyester foil carrier (dependent on the mass of the components). Depending on the type of application, different materials are used for the adhesive and the carrier for covering tapes. Most important carrier materials […]
Two types of tapes are discussed: carrierless adhesive foils (also called transfer adhesives) used, for example, in mounting or laminating processes, and tapes consisting of an adhesive on a carrier tape, used for contact and distance films in foil keypads, covering tapes in galvanizing and solder processes (Fig. 8), and as component supply in insertion […]