Архивы рубрики ‘Adhesive Bonding’

Radiographic Techniques

As a technique for the nondestructive testing of adhesive joints, penetrating radiation is still at the research stage. It is not possible to use X-radiography because, as the adhesives have extremely low absorption coefficients, there would be no significant differences detectable by radiography. However, in some specialized cases it is possible to visualize the adhesives […]

Nondestructive Testing Methods

For quality assurance purposes in the aircraft and car manufacturing industries, it has been a matter of particular concern to develop methods for the nondestructive testing of adhesive bonds. However, these tests do not all provide significant results and are relatively easy to use in practice. Yet, at the same time, due to increased product […]

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions

The release of VOCs into the environment has become a major concern since health issues such as ‘sick building syndrome’ have been assigned to emissions from adhesives used, for example, in flooring. Although today a still wider variety of mostly solvent-based adhesives are em­ployed, since 2005 the European VOC Solvents Directive has made solvent usage […]


Methods to determine the resistance of adhesives to flow after application (sagging) are described e. g. in EN ISO 14678. In practice a rope of adhesive is applied to a test panel which is then placed in a vertical position. The deflection of the adhesive rope after a defined period of time gives an indication […]


This test method measures the amount of force necessary to extrude an adhesive from a cartridge at a given temperature. Cartridge adhesives are typically used at job sites over a wide variety of temperature ranges. These products may be exposed to cold temperatures, where one of the limiting application factors is whether the product can […]

Open Time and Working Life

ASTM D 1338 deals with the working life of an adhesive — that is, the time elapsing between the moment an adhesive is ready for use and the time when it is no longer usable. This practice covers two procedures applicable to all adhesives having a relatively short working life. It is intended to determine […]

Tests Related to Storage and Handling of Adhesives

7.5.1 Determination of Words and Phrases Relating to the Product Life The European standard EN 12701 Structural adhesives — Storage — Determination of words and phrases relating to the product life of structural adhesives and related materials, contains the main designations relating to limits of the usability of adhesives after manufacturing. The ASTM D 1337 […]

Assessment of Durability and Service Life of Adhesive Joints

The durability (long-term performance) ofa bonded joint depends on the properties of the adhesive, ofthe materials being joined together, and their surface pretreatment prior to bonding. The true service life of an adhesive joint is influenced by a variety of factors such as climate, environment and mechanical stresses, which in common practice occur with a […]

Cyclic Loading (e. g. Fatigue Tests)

Test methods such as ASTM D3166, Standard Test Method for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (Metal/Metal) and ISO 9664 Adhesives — Test methods for fatigue properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear, describe ways to assess the durability of adhesive joints under cyclic loading conditions. In both cases a testing machine, […]

Impact Tests (e. g. Impact Wedge Test to Evaluate Crash Performance)

In some cases adhesive joints are required to maintain the structural integrity of bonded parts even under high dynamic loading conditions, for example in a car body during a crash situation. ISO 11343 [4] describes a procedure for the ‘Determination of dynamic resistance to cleavage of high strength adhesive bonds under impact conditions — Wedge […]