The next case study illustrates that segmentation into blade pockets is indeed very useful. Had it been used in the following case, the consequences of the failure might Figure 7.63 Failure: total break-off of a rotor blade. have been far less significant. During a flight over sea, severe damage occurred to the main rotor of […]
Архивы рубрики ‘Adhesive Bonding’
Delamination of Bonded Rotor Blade Pockets
Structural bonding of the rotor blades of helicopters is a particularly good example of the high performance of modern adhesive bonding technology. With a service life of several thousand flight hours, these components are exposed to the most severe dynamic and climatic load conditions. Adhesive bonding technology is necessary for the realization of modern rotor […]
Experiences and Learning from Damage Cases
Failures range from minor flaws to catastrophes, and examples of failures can be found everywhere. Classifying an event as a failure implies that a deficiency has been identified, and that an improvement is sought. To prevent future failures an analysis is required, because one does not learn from the damage itself but rather from a […]
Adhesive Bonding of Polymer Materials
Adhesive bonds with polymer materials generally achieve a good durability, provided that the adherent material contains polar groups or (as in the case of nonpolar polyethylene, polypropylene or similar polymers) polar groups have been generated by oxidation via chemical or physical surface preparation (see Section 6.2) that also improves the wettability. Media that diffuse into […]
Adhesive Bonding of Glass
It is difficult to bond glass durably unless special adhesion promoters are used (see Chapter and Section 5.10). When silane adhesion promoters are applied separately or ECT LDT Topography Figure 7.58 Initial and the residual tensile shear strengths of different topographies. Table 7.6 Failure patterns of mild steel bondings with different surface textures. Adhesive Characteristic […]
Adhesive Bonding of Steel
Long-term influences may completely change the strength characteristics of bondings. This is convincingly demonstrated by a comparison of the residual strength Figure 7.54 Tensile shear strength of aged (IT 80) mild steel bondings as a function of the surface preparation and the type of adhesive used. values of mild steel bondings [9] following aging in […]
Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum
To date, it has not been possible to create durable adhesive bonds with aluminum alloys using structural adhesives unless a special surface preparation is performed prior to bonding. This will be illustrated on EN-AW (AlCuMg) and EN-AW 5182 (AlMg4.5Mn0.4), which are noncurable wrought alloys. It is therefore of great interest to identify the surface conditions […]
Durability of Bonded Joints
In the non-loaded condition, the properties of bonded joints may change under environmental influences, as mentioned above at the end of Section 7.7.4 in connection with the wedge impact strength. In the loaded condition (i. e. in service) the effectiveness of environmental influences can be further increased under certain circumstances. The resistance ofbonded joints to […]
Impact Behavior
In the car manufacturing industry, and especially in bodywork construction, bonding has been adopted as an increasingly successful joining technique. Consequently, the impact resistance ofbonded joints has become a matter of growing particular interest (see Section 8.2.2). In this field of application, considerably more attention must be concentrated on the deformation capacity of adhesives, especially […]
Tensile Shear Strength Under Long-Term Static and Alternating Loading
With few exceptions, all constructions, components and their joints are generally exposed to long-term static or alternating loads rather than short-term loads. For example, over the whole operating life of a car (around 12 years), the coil springs and their fastening elements must carry part of the car’s weight without undue plastic deformation, and they […]