Regulations Stipulated by Law

Among the multitude of statutory regulations applying to industrial processing, food-law regulations, such as the European Framework Regulation 1935/2004, are of particular importance for packaging adhesives because many packages are used for foodstuffs. A wide array of raw materials is available for the formulation of adhesives that comply with food law requirements, such as the Recommendations of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Bundesinstitut fur Risiko- bewertung BfR). A European harmonization of the Food and Consumer Goods Laws will bring forth new rules, because European Laws particularly evaluate the migration of substances from consumer goods (e. g. packages) into food, and set out global and specific migration limits. As regulations related to food law are most often related to quantities, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the packaging or the bottler of the food to assess whether the statutory regulations have been observed.


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