Radiographic Techniques

As a technique for the nondestructive testing of adhesive joints, penetrating radiation is still at the research stage. It is not possible to use X-radiography because, as the adhesives have extremely low absorption coefficients, there would be no significant differences detectable by radiography. However, in some specialized cases it is possible to visualize the adhesives by adding special pigments.

Unlike X-radiography, neutron radiography is very well suited to the testing of adhesive bonds. Neutrons react with hydrogen, thereby inducing a very low absorp­tion in metals, and a high absorption in organic adhesives. In this way thin layers of organic substances or adhesives can be visualized with great contrast, and differences in transmission due to nonuniform adhesive layers, pores, moisture and extraneous substances can be detected. Unfortunately, this method also requires a high degree of technical and economic provisions, such that it will most likely not be implemented in a series production.


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