Graphic Products

Products of the print finishing and bookbinding industries have become an integral part of our daily life, and today life without them is simply inconceivable. Books, catalogs, magazines and other graphic products such as advertising mail fulfill our need for information. This situation becomes even more obvious from the fact that, despite the presence ofcomputers and electronic media, worldwide paper consump­tion is on the increase. Whereas, in 1950 around 50 million tons of paper was produced, by 2005 this had risen to almost 370 million tons. By the year 2010, worldwide consumption is expected to be almost 400 million tons. It is predicted that, by the year 2015 the amount of print products will most likely increase by 60%, with the very large majority of these being manufactured with the aid of adhesives. With such a wide variety of graphic paper products available, a huge number of optimized adhesives, each adapted to a desired use, have been developed during the past decades in order to meet the demands of these different applications [37].

Within the print-finishing industry, all of the adhesive systems created for, and suited to, the bonding of paper are currently employed. Whenever, during the past few years the basic conditions have been changed due to higher machine perfor­mances and new paper qualities (e. g. with a high share of coatings or recycled fibers), improved adhesive systems have been developed that can securely handle these difficult tasks, in spite of the increasingly higher production speeds.

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