Relationship between Molecular Weight and Viscosity

Viscosity is defined as the property which determines the resistance to motion when a sheering force is exerted on the fluid under laminar flow conditions.

If denotes the dynamic viscosity of a polymer solution of concentration C, and i)0is the intrinsic viscosity of the solvent of the same temperature, then:

_ — Лг Ло

where: T|r is the relative viscosity.


Подпись: - Tlsp - ( T|r - 1 )Т1-Л0


where: t|sp is the specific viscosity.


The ratio of is the reduced viscosity or viscosity number.

Подпись:[T|] is the intrinsic viscosity

[T|] is determined experimentally from a plot ofvs c as shown below.


Figure 1-63

The intrinsic viscosity characterises the capacity of the polymer to increase the viscosity of the system when unaffected by the presence of other polymer molecules, that is at zero concentration ( when C = zero ).

There is no direct method for obtaining molecular weight from the intrinsic viscosity of a polymer.

The Mark-Houwink Equation relates to the molecular weight in a practical way.

fa] = KM“

Where К and a are constants for the particular solvent-polymer system at a given temperature and are determined experimentally.

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